Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Excerpts from Confessions of Second Rate Sensitive Mind : Part One

I will not spoil these poems with too many introductory remarks. When they were written, they were intended to be an honest attempt to record my feelings at the time and seek after deeper truth through writing. I no longer have such lofty hopes, or wish to honestly record my feelings for others or even for myself. It might be better to let things happen and pass, and not even try to understand. When I began these poems they were never meant to be shared. They came out of notebooks I used to keep for myself to look back on when I became wise, to show the genesis of my ideas. At first I wrote prose. When I slipped into poetic form I was already losing my chance at rational mastery of the world around me and becoming a jumble of misplaced emotions and scattered thoughts, a patchwork of high philosophy and low cravings. Soon my poems ceased to be for me and began to be for you. So, here they are.  

Confessions of a Second-Rate Sensitive Mind

by  G. Gunhold

O Weary life, O weary death!
O spirit and heart made desolate!
O damned vacillating state!”- Tennyson

I don't believe in God, I turn my back
On thought, and as for that old irony
Called Love, I want to hear no more of that again

Too tired to live, too scared to die,
Unmasted ship loosed on the sea,
my soul prepares itself for grim catastrophe”- Anguish, Verlaine


I mainly meander through my meagre maze
making moments manifest
I cycle through thoughts
worm-like wanderer wishing....waiting for,
what washes ashore, the trash of yesteryear,
my memories
the most sacred broke like a ship
on the harsh wave of manhood
Or scattered like birds: stoned.
Now all I recall
reeks of recollection
a copy of a copy
my soul a file clerk
retrieving precious folders of pictures

we laughed at the time and made faces
never knowing all but that mask would go
Now we hang it on the wall hoping
that through its hollow eyes the truth will flow


It is only worth something if it is for them
this is for you.
I sit cross legged,
mismatched eyes askew,
a strange smile on my face,
as I slice open my stomach
and let guts spill out.
Years of slime across the page
Here it is!
you found some wisdom
down deep beneath the city
In a den of whores, drinking and dicing
Well I found some
with my picture book and telescope
Up in the land where shapes shift
white windblown word worlds
Let our wisdoms meet on the plains
And hold a great pow wow
In the manner of the old war chiefs
One of us will lose his land
Yet in this loss carry back
Another small penny
To place in the change jar of knowledge.
Notice how it shines
Reflective of the light
Notice its double nature
doubled over doubled
In half


Taking big bong hits
Anxious fingers
My palace of Art

The Truth
In the sea of life
but always
back and back again


Searching for something to say....
Why worry your days away,
Searching for something deep to say?
They said it in the finest formulations
We pay them little mind today
Where is saying going
If not going away?

Away, Away, alas, Away,
Derrida, I heard him say,
Why do you deconstruct your days
While others build?
Now they look down from their tower
I dug and am misunderstood

The cellar, the pit
The lie, I quit
But could not exit the game.
So I live frozen
My destiny chosen
Disappearing one load-screen away.


Hello old friend
New page
New night-time
We often speak of the same thing.
Is there value in self awareness
If you discover sad little truths?
Is there a purpose in writing
for the stomach, for chills,
melancholy chills,
the sweet sadness of a happy memory
summoned up to a present less so.

It arrives
I greet it with a fumbling longing
wishing to return there
hoping I remember true
trying not to bruise memory's soft skin
with hands calloused by petty sin
I can never stare into these beautiful eyes for too long
always blurred, incomplete
I look away lost, but
shivers sustain my spirit
as I hide from fear's forest fires
Deep beneath the dead land of the present
In the dark wet soil that birthed what used to be
Old friend, old love,
How does one thank what is passed and gone?
In a letter to no one,
A hopeless heart felt prayer.


Stop your choo-chooing, little train
And stop your dreams of jumping the track
of your destiny
Oh but to tumble in fiery glory
Down the side of that embankment
Rolling and squealing
to come to rest in that green valley,
That you always pass by frantically circling.
Nevermore to be propelled along that cruel path
By the burning in your belly.
Your Thomas-Tank face is often sad,
It hurtles forward dreading
Helpless but hungry
Slowly settling
The little engine that could
not escape that dark tunnel,
The great guillotine;
Each day ones neck extends
With each forgotten verse a poem


In my own little cage
In that great zoo that is the world today
The Strongest monkey
Robbed me of much of what I wished to say.
I used to point up at the sky
With a pained and serious look on my face
And try to translate mystery
Into grunts and squeaks
It speaks!
The weak one, with sad eyes,
He speaks!
With a soft saying that could never overpower
Your wild shrieks.

My words; subtle and often confused,
While yours were as simple
As a punch and a bruise.
Yes, your loud words weighed me,
and wondrously, as the years passed
weighed me down true

Ignorant I once hung happy and high
My infant whiteness ripe for feasting
And when I fell to greedy hands
I finally felt my worth increasing
I have prepared some sport for you strong ones
Don’t let me spoil your games
With my moans and cries
I once thought God and truth sat up in the skies
But such thoughts are the weakest monkey's lies


Can we waste a moment
In honour of superfluity?
Can we pour a bottle
Down into the dirt in the name of excess?
I toast emphatically
It is you that allows me to be here
That shelters me from the great storms of necessity;
In your name I never clear my plate,
And trust that fickle female, Fate.
If this world were finely carved
I would be among the shavings
dancing in the breeze generated
By the buzz saw of becoming.
We must flake off for the hardness of art to take shape
But do not doubt
That our emptiness is form
Or rather doubt
For certainty has a cold efficiency
That is foreign to us spilled suds.
We sopped over the spice mug
And now we sit in soggy sadness
Sighing stupid songs
That make you wonder
where this leads.


Who dares cast the first stone of analysis
across the abyss of incomprehensibility?
One can wonder, or rage and reach
For that sharp stone
and heave it
in that graceful arc of insight that strikes
and cuts, the other cries
and lowers his eyes,
He feels your confident reality
as you extend outwards
a great gobbling amoeba.
No disguise can hide
From that forceful fastball
That firmly smacks the writhing spirit of the changeling.
He seeks to ignore the wound
And continue his awkward solitary dance
But pain cries and covers
That barely perceptible glint of gentle dream.
It sparkles and is gone,
replaced by a shooting sharpness that says
You are


.....But of course life and fate cannot always be so divine. On most days they abandon one to habit and idle day dreams about how things should have been done differently. How the man of inaction savours and betrays the little flutters of true life that brush his face like a wind from distant stormy coasts. Oh life, I love to play when I am asked but am too shy to run from under my mothers legs out the front door into your sinewy arms, I fear you will buffet me about like some unloved ruffian and then strangle the pointless life out of me.....


sunlight reflects off of water
engines drone
we fly about
swooping on skis
cutting through wind and waves
we swim in shallow sunny water
and skim the surface
dancing in sunlight
innumerable sparkles and flashes
do you see...
that he who runs deep
from our carefree playground
Where we ignorant leap about
With puzzling joy,
like children in false smiling Disneyland
with each new shining sight
flashes, instants, lost in night
insolently return
I am back again
to face the same daydream
knowledge leaves me...
I sit dumbfounded
reclined in woozy sleep
My thought sinks and rests
come and cuddle with me.


Oh how I long
to work a strange alchemy with these words
the jumble of the day
must drain through the sieve of my soul
leaving all that was ignored stuck
And letting fine observation pass through
Now, what have we here?
Place it on the great scale of judgement
That sits behind your eye,
Measure it, oh man, measure of all things.
Ring up the amount.
Deposit it in the bank of this page
Where it collects interesting
Possibilities for profitable interpretation
Or grows poor speculating
On its own worth computed
by the calculator of the critical faculty
that we all sit around staring at desperately
as we balance our daily value books

Saturday, 9 June 2012

List of Ideas

So, back again. Better than the last time I tried to write anything. At times the urge to destroy it all and be silent is strong, but it has never quite triumphed yet and hopefully never will. Though much of what is to follow is worthless, its coming into being alone will bring me more joy than quiet inaction ever will. I am still not sure what this blog is going to become, and will lean towards publishing anything that comes to mind over holding things back to preserve some sort of structure. Hopefully it will achieve some form as it takes shape, or it may just be a collection of entertaining contradictions. So, here is a rough list of future topics for discussion.

    1. Confessions of a Second Rate Sensitive Mind, my book of poems, written over a 3 or 4 years span and ending this winter. They are quite personal, honest, and well intentioned, though often childish and somewhat sloppy. This is probably the best place to begin, before essays or criticism, so the reader has some understanding of where all this is coming from.
    2. “The Poetry of C Murder”, a strange essay that analyzes some of the poetry of imprisoned rapper Corey Miller. Written in an inspired stoned haze many years ago, this piece still contains some interesting insights. It is a bit long so I will probably break it into a few parts. A good start to the musical and cultural analysis that will hopefully take place here.
    3. Talk on Hunger by Knut Hamsun. I need to read this book again before i write a short piece on it, but I remember vividly how it captures some of the ideals that I seek to praise on this blog. Finding humour in suffering, suffering for the sake of a dream, and living through the absurd episodes that make up a life. I will try to find some good quotes to put up here, for this novel is not as widely read as it should be.
    4. Talk on Against Nature, or A Rebours, by Huysmans. A very strange book, not so much a story as an account on how to live a life in ones own world of art and secret pleasure, a quest that ultimately fails. Fascinating book simply for the details it contains, I will try to put up some pictures of the art mentioned, catalogue some of the books it recommends, and excerpt some entertaining passages that condemn society and modern life in eloquent fashion.

I will begin with these 4. I will be impressed with myself if all this is actually published to this void of a blog. The ideas that follow are still uncertain, and the list will be added to as ideas appear.
5. Tribute to Ol Dirty Bastard
6. Funny quotes from Nietzsche
7. analysis of “Iron Mic- Eli vs Envy”
8. Praise of Folly
9. Drugs, wonderful Drugs
10. Religious quotes, analysis (Buddhism, left hand path, Osho etc)
11. Notes from Underground
12. Praise for Supreme Clientele
    Hopefully after these are written, some more topics will emerge. I will add to this list when I remember more. There is an infinite amount of material to cover when you aim to laugh at absurdity, love what has passed, and think about how you are lost in the vast universe. Hopefully someone will read this, and dare we hope for someone to suggest a topic or contribute some of this sort of idiots wisdom?